1. Holding Back the Tide
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3. Holding Back the Tide
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A movie akin to a pearl hiding within an oyster, Emily Packer’s film is not only an ode to these complicated, bizarre oysters, but also a queer cinematic poem full of beauty and surprises about sea, taste, gender, community, environment, and the fluidity of life itself. Intertwining facts and data with personal experiences, archive material with cinematic tableaux vivants, Holding Back the Tide alters its form and direction in the same way these gender-fluid mollusks change their sex throughout their lives. However, it never loses its focus, its playfulness, its charming cinematic language, succeeding in encompassing so many standpoints, from the ecological to the political, in a beautiful outcome that unfolds before you like a bite-sized captivating cinematic miracle.

4. Holding Back the Tide - Film-Forward
Emily Packer's Holding Back the Tide is a free-flowing, part meditation, part tone poem, and part documentary on oysters, set around the waters of New York ...
Intricate and occasionally sumptuous, Emily Packer’s Holding Back the Tide is a free-flowing, part meditation, part tone poem, and part documentary on oysters, set around the waters of New York City. Going into the film without knowing the subject matter, as I did on the first watch, is perhaps the ideal way to ingratiate oneself

5. Holding Back the Tide | Rotten Tomatoes
22 aug 2024 · An impressionistic hybrid documentary that traces the oyster through its many life cycles in New York, once the world's oyster capital.
Holding Back the Tide is an impressionistic hybrid documentary that traces the oyster through its many life cycles in New York, once the world's oyster capital. Now their specter haunts the city through queer characters embodying ancient myth, discovering the overlooked history and biology of the bivalve that built the city. As environmentalists restore them to the harbor, we look to the oyster as a queer icon, entangled with nature, with much to teach about our continued survival.
6. Holding Back the Tide | movie | 2024 | Official Trailer - video Dailymotion
Duur: 1:30Geplaatst: 2 sep 2024
7. Holding Back the Tide - SPACE Gallery
Holding Back the Tide. Date and Time. Wednesday, September 25 2024 7:00pm doors at 6:00 pm (to mingle and eat oysters!) Tickets. $10 General Admission (just ...
77 minute film, director Emily Packer and actor Meghan Dolbey in person + oysters from Lady Shuckers! Join us for the Maine premiere screening of…

8. Grasshopper Film Acquires Queer Hybrid Doc 'Holding Back the Tide'
7 mrt 2024 · According to the official synopsis, “Holding Back the Tide” is “an ... © 2024 Variety Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Variety and the ...
Grasshopper Film has acquired North American distribution rights to Emily Packer's meditation on New York’s oysters and their uncertain fate.

9. Holding Back the Tide - Official Trailer - Vídeo Dailymotion
Duur: 1:30Geplaatst: 22 aug 2024
10. New Documentary Chronicles the Oyster as a Queer Icon
28 aug 2024 · HOLDING BACK THE TIDE Official Poster. Liked it? Take a second to support Hammer to Nail on Patreon!
Premiering at last year's DOC NYC, as well as numerous other festivals, Emily Packer's documentary Holding Back the Tide gives a poetic look at the lives of oysters (a living creature) in New York City. While charting their presence in the city (including the pollution surrounding them, revitalizati

11. Holding Back the Tide Reviews - Metacritic
Details ; Release Date Sep 6, 2024 ; Duration 1 h 17 m ; Genres. Documentary ; Tagline A docu-poetic meditation on New York's oysters and their transformations in ...
Holding Back the Tide is an impressionistic hybrid documentary that traces the oyster through its many life cycles in New York, once the world’s oyster capital. Now their specter haunts the city through queer characters embodying ancient myth, discovering the overlooked history and biology of the bivalve that built the city. As environmentalists restore them to the harbor, we look to the oyster as a queer icon, entangled with nature, with much to teach about our continued survival.

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WORLD PREMIERE Through interviews, recited poetry, and quirky interstitials, this engaging documentary charts the unlikely presence of oysters in

13. Holding Back the Tide: Trailer 1 - Trailers & Videos - Rotten Tomatoes
Renewed and Cancelled TV Shows 2024 poster image. Renewed and Cancelled TV ... website or app on the browser or device where you are making the election.
Holding Back the Tide is an impressionistic hybrid documentary that traces the oyster through its many life cycles in New York, once the world's oyster capital. Now their specter haunts the city through queer characters embodying ancient myth, discovering the overlooked history and biology of the bivalve that built the city. As environmentalists restore them to the harbor, we look to the oyster as a queer icon, entangled with nature, with much to teach about our continued survival.
14. Holding Back the Tide - SF Urban Film Fest
Bevat niet: 4k | Resultaten tonen met:4k
This impressionist hybrid documentary traces the oyster through its many life cycles in New York, once the world’s oyster capital.